Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

Zach was the Blacksmith at Sasau Monastery. He works alongside his son Vitus, who assists him in smithing and trading, and has high hopes for his son's future.


Zach's Stats






Prior to the events of the game, Zach, attempted to purchase Master Ota's business for his son Vitus, but the armourer declined, and there has been bad blood between them ever since. Zach describes Ota as being talented, once, but now he's too old.

As part of the Quest The Queen of Sheba's Sword, Henry is tasked with collecting the five pieces of a sword allegedly belonging to the Queen of Sheba. When Zach is asked about the sword, he responds with:

Big Quote Left
I know he's after those - but he's out of luck. He should have bought while he has the chance. I still have mine on me: it brings me good fortune and I shan't sell it... not even for a king's ransom.
Big Quote Right
- Zach

Later, during All that Glisters, Henry's investigation into the counterfeit coins lead him to Zach. Despite what the other craftsman have said, Zach claims that he has no copper, and anyone who says he has bought up the stores is lying. Unfortunately, Henry is able to get the information from Zach's son Vitus, who confesses that they have been making copper sheets. Zach caves and finally tells Henry that he gave into the counterfeiter's demands, and offers a solution that will benefit them both in Rattled.

Zach's plan is to organize a duel between Henry, wearing Vitus' armour, and Ota's champion, in order to demonstrate the superior quality of his son's work. If Henry wins, he will reward him with a cuirass made by Vitus, and may later even agree to become the blacksmith at Pribyslavitz during From the Ashes.

Curiously, Vitus' cuirass is better and more valuable than Ota's cuirass (although Ota's is a bit more ostentatious) - so maybe Zach was right all along about his son's talent.



Trader's Wealth is 400 Prague Groschen, and their inventory is shared with Vitus.
Note: his trader chest is in the very-hard locked shack next to the forge, in a very-hard locked chest which requires a lockpicking skill of at least 15 to unlock.

