Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

University is a General Codex entry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

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One of the oldest universities in Europe was Prague University (later Charles University), founded in 1348 by Charles IV. Students could study here at the arts, theological, medical and later on, law faculties or schools. The arts faculty broadened basic religious education and taught grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. In the early 15th century, more than 1000 students were taught here and were also provided with college accommodation. A total of 80% of the students at the University of Prague came from abroad (mainly from Hungary, Austria, Poland and Germany).

The medieval university allowed one to graduate with a Bachelor's or Master's Degree or Doctorate, conditional on passing a spoken, 'viva voce' examination before a Commission. Some disciplines were studied for far longer than today — even more than 10 years. After passing the final examination, the student received a diploma.

From the earliest times, the university was headed by a Rector, assisted by Deans of the various faculties, followed by members of the University Council, and below them the numerous tutors: professors and cantors. Among others who lectured at the University was the preacher and reformer Jan Hus.

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