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Sir Ulrich is a supporting character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He was a Bavarian knight (or at least, "a trustworthy soldier in the service of a nobleman", as he puts it) from Passau, charged with investigating the Groschen counterfeiters.

Ulrich was a highly secretive individual, as is befitting a man with such a task. He would not reveal either his full name or the name of his master - even to his allies. He was also a bit of a philosopher, once commenting that men who live their lives by the sword, such as himself and Henry, are not men destined for peaceful lives or peaceful deaths.


Ulrich of Passau's Stats






During All that Glisters, Henry tracks an injured Mercenary to the Charcoal-Burner's camp of Rovna to question him on the whereabouts of Menhart and the source of the forged coins. The Mercenary will explain that they were ambushed by a knight who had been following them, but before Henry can find out any more, the knight himself will appear outside, demanding that the head charcoal burner give up the sack of counterfeit coins they had looted from the wagon after the ambush.

He will flee when Henry emerges to challenge him. Henry can either pursue him or find him later at the Sasau Wagoners' Inn, where Ulrich will challenge him. Furthermore, he can either kill the knight outright or else beat him and hold him for questioning. As it turns out, Ulrich thinks that Henry is on the side of the counterfeiters.

The two eventually work out that they are not enemies (assuming Henry didn't kill him first), and they are in fact pursuing the same people. Ulrich offers Henry a deal - deliver his documents to Master Tobias Feyfar, and he will tell you everything he knows about the situation. Feyfar is the only one who can decipher the written confession to what the technical language means, and help them find out who is behind the forgeries. Ulrich also reveals that he chased down Menhart, who fell from his horse and died. He buried the body, then headed back to the Rovna charcoal-burner's camp to recover the coins.

ATG - Ulrich and Henry

Henry and Ulrich confront the counterfeiters

Upon further questioning, he will explain how the counterfeit coins have turned up in Passau, a trading city in Bavaria. Ulrich's lord was allied to the local alderman, so they dispatched him to track the legitimate coins to the Sasau area, at which point they were swapped with the forgeries. Ulrich has reason to believe that the fake coins are being made in the Sasau Monastery, and so decides to stay in town, at the Wagoner's Inn while Henry goes to see Tobias.

Tobias is able to deduce that the document was written by Clement of Kaplitz, head scribe of the Rosenbergs, and provide more information about who could be involved in the forgeries. Henry tracks down the counterfeiters and may request Ulrich's help in finding their camp. Unfortunately, Ulrich has sworn to kill everyone involved, and tries to kill Sir Jezhek of Ronow, the leader of the counterfeiters. Henry is forced to intervene, and will either talk the old knight down, or fight him to the death.

If you reveal that you know his allegiance, you can convince him to leave Jezhek, and not return to the Rosenbergs. His involvement was supposed to be a secret, and the Rosenbergs will ensure no one ever finds out they were involved, even if it means sacrificing the old knight. Ulrich agrees, and leaves the land forever.




  • If you kill Ulrich in a fight at the evening meeting at the willow tree (for instance with an arrow after he surrenders), his horse will remain after the quest. The horses of Ulrich and Rapota come in handy during the quests All that Glisters and the associated subquest Damsel in Distress as in both cases, travelling to Skalitz, Henry comes back on foot, so if you prefer not to break immersion by whistling for your horse from three villages away, 'appropriate' their horses for the travel. As a side-note, you can still collect those horses after the quest is finished and you can park them for decorative pruposes in Pribyslavitz for instance.
  • Ulrich's story line introduces a potential continuity error. If Ulrich gets away after the initial encounter at the Charcoal-Burner's camp, Henry 'magically' knows that he is going to the Sasau Wagoners' Inn. He can only have this information if he read the letter from the captive bandit in Merhojed before reporting to Sir Radzig Kobyla at the Talmberg lookout point. That means unless Henry is literate and has actually read the letter, he could not possibly have had that information.
  • Ulrich's trunk at the Sasau Wagoners' Inn is so far the only known location of a Fancy black shirt.


  • Ulrich is featured as one of the Steam Trading Cards on the Steam Community Market for the game.
    • This features him wearing his bascinet combined with a hounskull, which he does not wear in the final game.



Ulrich of Passau, as he appears as a Steam Trading Card
