Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

Town Gates is a General Codex entry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

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The city gates (they were always at least two) served to watch over the comings and goings of the city dwellers, and tolls and duties were collected there from traders for goods brought in and sold. The ground level housed the armoury and storage facilities, the highest level featured an astronomical clock or town clock.

The gate tower was typically a rectangular tower of greater or lesser height with a passage through and a drawbridge over a frontal moat. The walls of some cities also included a water gate, through which the townspeople made their way to the water supply. There were also dedicated gates for the executioner and his henchmen, for unclean people, as well as Jewish gates.

After closing time, it was only possible to enter the city with a special permit from the Councillors. Anyone who failed to make it back in time had to spend the night outside the city walls. The gate was locked with a key that was kept overnight with the Bailiff or the Head of the City Council.

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