Timmy was a member of Pious' bandit band alongside Reeky and Limpy Lubosh, who took part in the Neuhof massacre. He was known for his great strength, and his not-so great intelligence.
During On the Scent, Henry seeks out Reeky of Ledetchko to ask him about the Neuhof massacre, in order to track down the bandit Runt and his men. Reeky is holed up in a cave in fear for his life, and tells Henry that the massacre was meant to be a simple robbery, but Runt's gang began to murder everyone in sight, including the head groom Smil, an event that is witnessed by a horrified Ginger. Ginger was able to fight off Reeky, and Limpy Lubosh let him go.
Later that evening, Timmy returned to their meeting place with two of Runt's men, who accused them all of being traitors for letting the stablehand go. Lubosh is able to kill one of them and the thieves flee. Reeky is unable to tell Henry where the bandit camp is, but he mentions that Timmy once went there, and may be able to assist, launching My Friend Timmy.
Timmy worked at the Windmill south of Merhojed, along with Mirka, his sister, who will reveal he is hiding out at the Kolben's farm, west of Merhojed. After a confrontation with some bandits, Henry has the option to let them kill Timmy in order to gain their trust and find the location of their camp. However, he can also get rid of the bandits, either by attacking them or sending them on a wild-goose chase to Rattay on Sasau, and speak to Timmy himself.
Timmy is able to give Henry some important (if a bit vague) information in order to find the bandit camp. Henry can then choose to let him go with the promise that he will find honest work, or try to take him to Rattay to be tried and hung, which will trigger a fight between the two.
- Dagger
- Door key
- Dried fruit
- Green tunic
- 8
- Red hose
- Torch
- Trunk key
- Working boots