Stealth is a non-combat skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance that allows players to avoid detection by lowering the visibility of the player.
Stealth skill shortens the distance at which you will be seen by the enemy and increased the time it will take for them to spot you. It is improved by moving stealthily in the vicinity of the enemy.
New perk points unlock at levels: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20.
Stealth Perks[]
Icon | Name | Requirement | Effect |
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Takedown | Stealth 3 | Let's you knock people out from a crouching position. |
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Daring Debonair | Stealth 3 | After committing a crime, you get a +1 bonus to Strength and Vitality until you're caught or leave the scene of the crime. |
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Rain Man | Stealth 3 | You move almost silently in the rain. The noise of your footsteps is reduced by 70%. |
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Crouching Chameleon | Stealth 5 | When crouching without movement you get a 30% Stealth bonus. |
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Stealth Kill | Stealth 5 | Allows you to kill from stealth. You have to have a dagger. |
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Ordinary Mug | Stealth 8 | When you're wanted, people are less likely to recognise your face and soon stop looking for you. |
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Slim Fit | Stealth 8 | Lowers the noise of armour and other equipment by 20%. |
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Dog Person | Stealth 10 | Dogs won't bark at you. |
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Et Tu, Brute | Stealth 10 | Your attacks from behind will be one third stronger. Attention: do not use this perk if you regularly use stealth knockouts/looting as a substitute for Pickpocketing (skill) as with higher strength stats you sometimes end up inadvertently killing the target person. |
Note:This information is from the in-game tutorial.
In these harsh times, people are wary of anything out of the ordinary. If you step inside someone's house uninvited, for example, they will first warn you that you've no business there, but if you do anything untoward there, they will immediately call for a guard.
You'd better not get caught at all in sensitive places like the armoury or some noble's chambers. If that happens, there'll be no warning at all and the catchpoles will immediately try to place you under arrest. Only, sometimes you will need to sneak into such places unobserved, or while avoiding conflict. For that, you will need the skill of Stealth.
Skill alone won't make you invisible, though. If you stand out like a sore thumb, or rattle like a tinker's wagon, you're bound to get caught. You have to take care that no one sees or hears you. To stay out of sight, it helps to crouch But that in itself is not enough. Crouching in the middle of the town square in broad daylight is more likely to attract attention than to avoid it!
To make yourself less noticeable, you should choose appropriate clothing for the situation. Black clothing at night will make you less visible, but in broad daylight will more likely attract suspicion. And of course you don't want to be heard either. The right footwear will dampen the sound of your footsteps even on a noisy surface, and the less metal elements you have in your attire, the less you will jingle. It's also important to avoid noisy actions, such as breaking a lockpick or setting a dog barking.
Your chances of successful stealth can be assessed from the stats Visibility, Conspicuousness and Noise, which depend on the properties of the individual items of your attire - the lower the value, the better. You'll find these in the table beneath the figure of Henry. There's more than one way to skin a cat, of course. If you can get hold of the outfit of a particular faction, you can skip the stealth altogether and walk boldly into places where you would otherwise be very unwelcome.
The more items of the other faction's attire you have on you, the more inconspicuous you'Il be. The most convincing garments are ones that stand out, such as a tabard or waffenrock, and helmets that cover your face.
This method however does only work for quests that recognise disguises, like Nest of Vipers. In most other situations this approach is ineffective. A full cuman outfit will not save you from being attacked by Cuman in ambushes or bandit camps during Raiders. Also, friendly units and NPCs will not be bothered if Henry walks through Rattay in a Cuman captain's outfit.
General Tips[]
Stealth is a combination of multiple factors.
- Visibility (Vis) - How likely people are to see you. Based off of line of sight. Sight distance and reaction time based on Stealth skill. Lower is better. Henry's default is 50.
- Conspicuousness (Conspic) - How likely people are to react to the player when detected, regardless of how. Reaction time based on Stealth skill. Lower is better. Henry's default is 50.
- Noise - How likely people are to hear you. Based off of radius. Radial area and reaction time based on Stealth skill. Lower is better. Henry's default is 0.
- Lockpicking - Causes some noise. Breaking lockpicks creates notable noise. The perk Silent Fiddler will greatly decrease this risk.
- Lighting - Affects Visibility. Darker is better.
- Time - Affects Lighting and patrols, and how many people in the area to detect you. Later is better, people are predictably in bed.
- Dogs - Dogs will alert their masters that something is wrong, and will draw attention. The perk Dog Person can be used to bypass this, or a well placed Arrow.
- Gear, Perks and Buffs - Things that lower Vis, Conspic and Noise stats decrease chances of being detected and chances of reaction. Things that increase Stealth (Padfoot potion) will increase NPC reaction times, and decrease their range of seeing and hearing you.
- Bodies - Corpses and unconscious people draw attention. Move them where people won't discover them (at least until you escape) or place them to be found away from you.
- Witnesses - If you are detected and the detector reacts poorly, it draws attention. Dead men tell no tales, but unconscious ones do. A witness must make direct contact with a Guard to make you Wanted. If reported, you may be able to talk your way out of it, or escape, store your goods and face the time in prison. The general response to detection is to eliminate the witness or reload a save.
Stealth Armour[]
A major downside of heavy armour, especially plate armour is the noise and conspicuousness that comes with it, making it unsuitable for stealth attacks. However, in connection with the two perks Stuffing and Forester, it is possible to assemble armour configurations that allow the holy trifecta of 0 noise, 0 visibility and 0 conspicuousness in woodlands, while still providing decent protection. This makes such a configuration especially useful during missions like Ruin and Raiders.
Example for Protective Stealth Armour:[]
- Dark padded coif (can be looted off the third bandit during Homecoming, close to the entrance to Skalitz)
- Mail coif (can be looted off one of the cumans during The Prey)
- Bell-shaped kettle hat (can be looted off one of the bandits during Ginger in a Pickle)
- Dark Saxon gambeson (can be looted off Black Peter after first tourney win)
- Aachen dark brigandine (Treasure map III or sleeping soldier in the tower during Run!)
- Black hood (can be looted off Black Peter or the bandits during On the Scent)
- Black brigandine pauldrons (can be looted off bandits during Ruin)
- Leather gloves (can be looted off bandits and guards, very common)
- Padded chausses (can be looted off bandits north of Neuhof during The Hunt Begins)
- Tight black hose (can be looted off bandits during Ruin)
- Short brigandine chausses (can be looted off bandits during Ruin)
- Quiet dark shoes (must be bought at cobbler in Rattay or stolen off the gambler at the Sasau Wagoners' Inn, knocking him out when he goes for lunch)
For maximum effect of the Stuffing perk the items need to be repaired using a repair kit at least once. All items except the dark padded coif, padded chausses and black hood can be bought in Rattay. The three mentioned items need to be looted off enemies, but are available early into the playthrough.
For better protection some items may be exchanged for ones with better protection at the expense of noise and visibility, but with the Forester and Slim Fit perks they still provide excellent stealth value:
- The black brigandine pauldrons can be replaced with more protective Simple plate pauldrons
- The short brigandine chausses can be replaced with Saxon composite chausses. Be aware though that it exists in a noisy and a quiet variant. The quiet variant can only be looted of high-level bandits like the ones fighting in Skalitz. Several bandits in the Pribyslavitz camp wear the stealth variant.
- The black hood can be replaced with a Dark combat jacket
- The bell shaped cattle hat can be replaced with a Cuman shishak for better face protection.
Such upgraded armor provides substantially more protection and still retains noise levels below 16. However, if fighting high-level bandits, for instance during Interlopers it may prove too weak if your cover is broken and you up facing three or more opponents.
Example for maximum Stealth, minimal detection Armour:[]
- Dark padded coif (can be looted off the third bandit during Homecoming, close to the entrance to Skalitz)
- Light tarred jacket (can be looted off bandits, with two guaranteed at the camp between the Monastery and Simon's Mill)
- Leather gloves (can be looted off bandits and guards, very common)
- Tight black hose (can be looted off bandits during Ruin)
- Quiet dark shoes (must be bought at cobbler in Rattay or stolen off the gambler at the Sasau Wagoners' Inn, knocking him out when he goes for lunch)
This set of gear requires nothing else to be added, and it is advised one removes Spurs and Jewellery. It is advised to use a Padfoot potion and the perks Stuffing and Forester. It is advised to infiltrate at night, and use a Nighthawk potion. This set will offer the lowest possible balance of Visibility, Conspicuousness and Noise, within what is obtainable in the vanilla game. This set is useful for Absolute Stealth, where getting caught is failure, extreme consequences, death or a reloaded save. It is extremely useful for theft, eliminating villagers and guards, and even quietly infiltrating Camps and exterminating Enemies. It provides almost no physical protection, but makes the player much harder to detect. And if you're using this set, getting detected is generally going to be a reloaded save, so protection is unnecessary.