In From the Ashes, many buildings require specific resources before they can be built.
Most resources can be bought in multiple places; whatever price you negotiate is paid to the supplier daily. The only exception is Stone, which is bought only from the Talmburg Quarry, and which only requires a one-time payment.
It is best to buy resources only when you require them - even small daily costs add up, so buying resources too early can cause a significant economic strain in an incomplete town.
You have only one option for stone - the Quarry of Talmberg. Head over there and speak to Rupert, the overseer. He will tell you that his quarrymen are already flat out trying to source stone for the Sasau Monastery, let alone transport it - but he agrees to hire some more men to work the stone as long as your Merchant can handle transport. His initial offer is 4000 (a one-off cost), but if your speech is high enough, you can talk him down to 3000
- you can try to bring it down further, but it does not appear to work.
Rupert's Stats[]
None of the Bailiffs will budge on price, as they have to make up the shortfall.
- Bailiff of Samopesh: 80
- Bailiff of Sasau: 120
- Bailiff of Uzhitz: 160
None of them leaves any particular comments on the quality of the grain.
- Butcher of Ledetchko: 30
- Butcher of Sasau: 50
- Butcher of Rattay: 70
(after persuasion)
Sasau butcher swears he'll deliver meat "fit for a bishop's table" and asks Henry to say hi to his friend in Pribyslavitz. Ledetchko butcher, on the other hand, admits that the best meat goes to the locals and therefore he can only afford to supply Pribyslavitz with leftovers that no-one else bought. Rattay butcher leaves no comments on the quality of his meat but he hates "Skalitz rabble" with passion (because they begged too much in front of his house, scared away all of his clients and allegedly stole from him) and only agrees to become a supplier because of money this deal will bring him.
Butcher's Stats[]
All the charcoal burners will supply for 220 and not negotiate - except for the burners at Talmberg.
- Sasau: 220
- Ginger’s Friends: 220
or 180
(If you save Ginger during Ginger in a Pickle, they will offer to supply it for cheaper.)
- Gallows Hill: 220
- Rattay: 220