Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

The Rattay Parish Priest, also known as the Friar, is a minor character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He ran St. Matthew's Church in Rattay.


The Friar, as a member of the clergy, is an important person in Rattay, even being invited to dine with the local nobility, Sir Hanush of Leipa and Lord Hans Capon in Awakening (although neither seem to like him much). Even the local lowborn folk aren't particularly keen on him, judging from Nightingale's remarks.

He is an unpleasant character, as upon hearing that Henry's parents were buried in unconsecrated graves, retorts that they will be in Purgatory until a priest blesses their burial site, as per Christian doctrine. Sir Radzig Kobyla slyly suggests that the Friar himself should go to Skalitz to save their souls - after all, if he is brutally murdered by Cumans while there, his own soul will surely shoot straight to heaven.

Sir Hanush is less diplomatic, telling him he didn't invite him to eat his food, drink his wine, then preach at him. Later, when the Friar protests about Sir Radzig making "a squire from a peasant" (aka Henry), Hanush glowers that they might as well, as they already make priests from pigs.


