Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

Novice Siskin is a minor character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He was a novice monk at Sasau Monastery.


Novice Siskin's Stats






During A Needle in a Haystack, he will reveal to Henry that he is the son of the famous Sir Smil Flashka of Pardubitz, who decided that, to please God, he should send one of his sons to become a monk. As the youngest, Siskin was sent to the monastery - but not before he could steal some of his father's coin, and donated some of it it to the Monastery to annoy his brothers.

He is clearly deeply wounded by his father's actions, and the Abbot's notes in The Abbot's List reveal that Sir Smil was willing to pay a large sum of money so they would accept the young man, despite being ill-suited for the monastic life.

If Henry decides to confide in Siskin regarding his search for Pious, Siskin will point the finger at Jodok.

He is able to get out of morning mass by bribing the circators, John and Stibor, and then he sneaks off to read, storing some treasure under a loose paver - an ornamented dagger that his father gave him as a child, 200 Prague Groschen, and the Necronomicon II. Once his brothers have forgotten about him, he plans on fleeing the country to start a new life. If Henry threatens to tell the Abbott, Siskin promises to kill him.

Henry would later stumble across the novice during Libri Prohibiti, where they are both breaking curfew by sneaking into the Library. They agree not to turn the other in - in fact, Siskin is quite excited to learn that Henry is trying to access the forbidden books, as he's then able to find the recipe for a secret potion he wants to concoct - old wives ointment which witches use upon the sabbath and therein damn their souls to the devil. Henry remarks that it sounds poisonous.


