Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

Nourishment is a character statistic in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The player's current Nourishment level can be seen in the Player window below their character. It can also be seen on the Stats tab where it is listed as a state rather than a stat.


Henry needs to eat Food during the game. Each type of food and drink will fill him up to a greater or lesser extent.


If Nourishment falls below 50, the Hunger debuff will come to effect, and this will affect stats. If Nourishment falls to 0, the Henry will die (unconfirmed, but it has to happen, right?).


If nourishment rises above 100, Overeating debuff will come to effect, and this will also affect stats.

Players also have to be careful what they eat - food spoils over time and can easily poison Henry.

For long trips it's better to take foods with more duration. Head to a tavern to purchase a freshly cooked meal. You can also eat from the various pots of stew found on camp fires and in kitchens throughout the land.
