Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

Noble sword is a weapon used in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It is held in Henry's main hand and classified as a shortsword.


Primarily a symbol of aristocratic power and only secondly a weapon. The fine swordsmith's handiwork will command respect not only from feudal subjects, but also from foes. A master swordsman can work wonders with this noble shortsword, but if not handled properly, it's of no use other than ornament.

How to Obtain[]


  • Considered to be the best all-around shortsword in the game, as it has almost max Charisma bonus, the third best Defence value and the second highest values of both Stab and Slash damage.
    • Out of all of these stat differences, the only one of them isn't negligible is that of the Stab damage, as the Stinger has a lot more stab damage out of any other shortsword.
  • This sword's hilt and guard are uniquely decorated with brass and a rubied pommel, but shares its model with the Herod's sword.
  • Surprisingly, it has the highest value of blunt damage out of all shortswords.
  • It is one of the few swords with inscriptions, this one has "IHSV", which is an abbreviation of the latin quote "in hoc signo vinces", meaning, "In this sign thou shalt conquer".