Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
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The Miller is a minor character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He ran the mill at Budin, located on the river between Sasau and Ledetchko, with the assistance of his three hired hands.

Unlike Peshek, Simon and Woyzeck, this miller is an honest sort (well - more honest, relatively speaking) and does not deal in stolen goods.


Miller of Budin's Stats






The Miller was surprised when his three hired hands rescued a Cuman who had fallen from his horse and hit his head, and the group tie him up and keep him in a small shed behind their barn until Henry arrives in Lost in Translation, sure that he has a stash of groschen hidden somewhere but with no way to convey to their prisoner what they want.

Although Henry may wish for the Cuman to be taken to Rattay for execution, the Miller is more interested in questioning the man about where he has hidden his loot. Henry will either convey the Cuman to Rattay, or agree to interrogate him. Unfortunately, no-one at the mill speaks Hungarian, and the Cuman does not speak Czech. The Miller advises Henry to find the Vagrant at a nearby mill, as he's been known to swear in Hungarian.

After the interrogation, Henry informs the miller that their prisoner has agreed to show them where the loot is hidden, and may possibly be able to tell him of the potential trap. He asks what is to be done with the Cuman once they have the money, and the Miller coldly informs him that he doesn't care, and promises Henry half of whatever he recovers.

Once the loot is found, Henry will return to the Miller, and either give him 50 Prague Groschen, or convince him he doesn't have the money.

Henry can speak to the Miller during A Friend In Need... to see if he might have some work for Fritz and Matthew, but he is not able to assist you.


