Mary is a minor character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. She was a pretty young woman who was employed as the housemaid for the young Skalitz priest, Father Simon.
The two fell in love and Mary became pregnant, at which point she went back to live with her her mother and her father at their farm North-east of Skalitz. Her father was outraged but her mother was more understanding, and Father Simon sent money to ensure Mary and the unborn baby were well cared for.
Unfortunately Mary died in childbirth, as did the baby, which devastated Father Simon. Sure that the death of Mary and her child was a punishment from God, Simon eventually abandoned his church to seek penance in the forest, where he is found by Henry during the quest A Man of the Cloth. Her parents erected a small cross in the forest in her memory, and Simon regularly leaves wreathes of comfrey flowers there.