Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
Kingdom Come Maintenance

Maintenance is a non-combat skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. This skill allows Henry to repair items with repair kits and weapons at a grindstone. The higher the skill level, the easier it is to use the grindstone and the longer your repair kits will last. At a higher level, you will be able to repair more badly damaged items.

It is possible read the book series Sharp as a Knife to level up this skill.


Allows you to repair things with repair kits and weapons at a grindstone. The higher your skill level, the easier it is to use the grindstone and the longer your repair kit will last. At a higher level, you will be able to repair more badly damaged items.

Codex tutorial icon Equipment Maintenance[]

Note: The following tutorial codex entry differs slightly from the in-game version.

Your weapons, armour, clothing and other equipment become worn out and damaged with use. How quickly and easily depends not only on the quality of the items themselves, but also on how you use them. Wear and tear is less if you don't let yourself get hacked to ribbons in combat, and the more skilled you are at using weapons, the less you'll blunt and damage them in combat. So, like every good soldier, you should check on the condition of the equipment in your Inventory Ifrom time to time and repair or replace things that aren't up to scratch, which you will see from the lower number in the Quality column.

Kingdom Come Inventory Health

If items are severely damaged, the value is shown in orange, while red numbers indicate a critical condition. Bloodied or dirty items are indicated by labels on their icons:

Kingdom Come BloodyKingdom Come Dirty

It’s best to have your equipment repaired by experts. A swordsmith will grind the nicks out of your sword edge, a plate armourer will beat the dents out of your cuirass and even a regular blacksmith can handle light repairs. You can take your ripped clothing to a tailor and scuffed boots to a cobbler, while the wenches at any bathhouse will wash the dirt and dried blood out of your clothes.

Kingdom Come Weaponsmith Map IconKingdom Come Armourer Map IconKingdom Come Blacksmith Map IconKingdom Come Tailor Map IconKingdom Come Cobbler Map IconKingdom Come Bathhouse Map Icon

Of course, when you’re in the field pursuing an important mission, you won’t always have time to go to town and avail of the benefits of civilization. So, it’s wise to carry with you repair kits for your equipment – there’s one for arms, one for armour, one for clothing and another for footwear. Of course, you need to be able to use them, which means acquiring the skill of Maintenance. If your skill level is high enough, all you have to do is use the appropriate repair kit in the Inventory E on the damaged part of the equipment you want to fix.

Repair Kits[]

Repair kits are items that allow you to repair your clothes, weapons and armour yourself in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. As long as the damage is not too serious, these items remove the need to seek an artisan to maintain your gear.

Repair Kits
Icon Standard variety Icon Small variety Repairs
Kingdom Come - Armour kit Armourer's kit Kingdom Come - small armourers kit Small armourer's kit Armour
Kingdom Come - blacksmiths kit Blacksmith's kit Kingdom Come - small blacksmiths kit Small blacksmith's kit Weapons
Kingdom Come - cobblers kit Cobbler's kit Kingdom Come - small cobblers kit Small cobbler's kit Boots
Kingdom Come - tailors kit Tailor's kit Kingdom Come - small cobblers kit Small tailor's kit Clothes


If you want to maintain bladed weapons, you can save your repair kit and hone them yourself on a grinding wheel, which you can find at every smithy.


To hone your weapon, go to the grinding wheel, start the process [? on PC / A button on Xbox / ? on PlayStation] and select which weapon to hone from the list.

The weapon must be honed along the whole length of the blade: to select which part use [? on PC / move the right stick left and right on Xbox / ? on PlayStation].

The blade must be held at the correct angle to the grinding wheel - too shallow and the edge won't be sharpened; too steep and you dull the blade even more. To control the angle use [? on PC / move the right stick up and down on Xbox / ? on PlayStation].

You must exert the correct pressure to hone the edge (this depletes your stamina) using [? on PC / right trigger on Xbox / ? on PlayStation].

Meanwhile, you have to keep the stone turning by repeatedly pressing [? on PC / left trigger on Xbox / ? on PlayStation].

Flying sparks will indicate you you're honing properly, black smoke tells you you're damaging the blade. A well-honed blade is smooth and shiny.

When you're dirty, you don't have to rush immediately to the nearest bathhouse - you can have a quick wash by pressing [? on PC / A button on Xbox / ? on PlayStation] on the nearest water trough.

Codex closing image

Repair Experts[]

Maintenance Perks[]

Icon Name Min. Level (Maintenance) Effect
Kcd fragrance perk icon Fragrance 3 With freshly laundered clothes on, you have +1 higher Charisma for one day.
Kcd seven mile boots perk icon Seven Mile Boots 3 If you're wearing boots you repaired yourself, sprinting will cost you 20% less Stamina, so you can run longer.
Kcd saville row perk icon Saville Row 6 Every item of clothing that you're wearing that you've repaired yourself adds 0.5 to Charisma, up to a maximum bonus of +2. Doesn't apply to armour.
Kcd stuffing perk icon Stuffing 6 When you repair your own armour you're able to pad it so it doesn't jangle as much and lower your stealth ability.
Kcd serrated edge perk icon Serrated Edge 9 A weapon you've sharpened yourself has a 15% greater chance of causing bleeding.
Kcd tin opener perk icon Tin Opener 9 A weapon you've sharpened yourself will cause 15% greater damage to your opponent's armour and equipment.
Kcd blacksmiths son perk icon Blacksmith's Son 12 Weapons you repair with a repair kit have a 10% stronger attack, until they get too damaged.
Kcd well groomed perk icon Well Groomed 12 The attire you have on will suffer 15% less wear and tear.
  • New perk points unlock at levels: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20.



  • It is possible to get maintenance experience by destroying and repairing a single weapon forever with a grindstone: by sharpening it and dulling it repetitively. It is not even necessary to change weapon or remove it from the wheel. It doesn't matter which weapon is used so it is a good idea to use a clean weapon for it is easy to see when it is sharp and when it is dull. Sharpening gives 1 exp for 1 condition point and dulling gives 1/5 exp for every destroyed condition point.
  • It is possible to repair weapons with 0 condition points on a grindstone, which is impossible to do with a repair kit.
  • Skill levels reduce the minimum condition that can be repaired with kits. From 80% condition at level 0 to 60% condition at level 20. Reducing the minimum condition by 1 per level. Condition can be misleading as the number shown can be rounded up from the actual value which might be below the minimum condition repairable.