Konyash is a minor character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He was an apothecary working in his shop in Rattay.
He is the one healing a very sick Henry after the events of Homecoming. When ou first meet him after waking up, you will have the option to repay your debt of 50 , the price of the medicine and services todeal with the fever.
During Restless Spirit, Henry visits Konyash's shop in order to speak to the apothocary about the dreams that are plaguing Drahomira, the widow of the Ledetchko butcher. Drahomira is being haunted by the ghost of her neighbours, Alois and Lada. Konyash advises Henry to retrieve the Necronomicon and, after studying it, declares that he has determined the correct ritual in order to set the spirits at peace.
That evening, the two men meet and perform the ritual. A sudden gust of wind spooks Konyash, who is unnerved enough to declare that the ritual must have been a success, at which point he quickly goes back to Rattay.
- Brown tunic
- Coif
- Door key (2x)
- Embrocation
- Footwraps and soles
- Green hood
- Recipe for Embrocation
- Red felt hat
- Trunk key (2x)
- Yellow hose
- Aesop potion
- Antidote
- Antlers
- Aqua Vitalis
- Artemisia potion
- Bandage
- Bard potion
- Belladonna
- Bivoj's Rage potion
- Bowman's Brew
- Buck's Blood potion
- Cave mushroom
- Chamomile
- Charcoal
- Cobweb
- Cockerel potion
- Comfrey
- Dandelion
- Digestion potion
- Embrocation
- Eyebright
- Fly agaric
- Frankincense
- Gall
- Herb Paris
- Honey
- Lazarus potion
- Lullaby potion
- Marigold
- Marigold decoction
- Mint
- Nettle
- Nighthawk potion
- Poppy
- Recipe for Aesop potion
- Recipe for Antidote
- Recipe for Aqua Vitalis
- Recipe for Bard potion
- Recipe for Bivoj's Rage potion
- Recipe for Bowman's Brew
- Recipe for Buck's Blood potion
- Recipe for Cockerel potion
- Recipe for Digestive potion
- Recipe for Embrocation
- Recipe for Lazarus potion
- Recipe for Lullaby potion
- Recipe for Marigold decoction
- Recipe for Moonshine
- Recipe for Nighthawk potion
- Sage
- Salt
- Spirits
- St. John's wort
- The Alchemist's Dream
- Thistle
- Valerian
- Wild boar's tusk
- Wormwood
- Awakening - Repay your debt
- Restless Spirit