Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

Karl is a minor character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He was a young nobleman who was on the verge of taking vows at the Sasau Monastery. He travels with his faithful guardian Manfred.


During Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, Henry is required to enter the Sasau Monastery, but it is difficult to gain access. He seeks out Karl, who is about to take vows as a novice, in the hope that he can switch places. He finds Karl at the Sasau Wagoners' Inn, enjoying his last few days of freedom (not at the brothel, much to his disappointment, but at least he can drink).

Karl is instantly interested in Henry's offer to enter the monastery under his name, but Manfred would never allow it. The noble begs Henry to get rid of the old man so that they can talk privately. As it turns out, Karl impregnated the daughter of the Lord of Bukova, who demanded 1000 Prague Groschen in compensation, as well as either Karl's castration (metaphorically or literally, it's not clear) or else send him away.

Although Karl longs to escape, Manfred has all the money and the equipment, so he's trapped - he could run away with nothing, but he'd rather enter the Monastery than become a peasant. He's evidently quite fond of Manfred, despite his complains, as he is horrified if anything happens to him.

As it turns out, during A Needle in a Haystack, Henry has the opportunity to read the Abbot's notes, where he will learn that Karl's father has paid the Monastery to teach his son better ways, but that ultimately he is to be released from his vows.

Abbot's Notes[]

A largely unsuitable candidate for the monastic life. He is the son of a nobleman of lower rank; he seems to pose more problems than even Siskin. Accustomed to wealth, intoxication and philandering, yet forced to don the monk's habit at the direct command of the Lord of Dauba, whose daughter he did make with child, thus thwarting her planned marriage to another lord of great means. He is not to stay in the cloister all his life. He is here to learn better behaviour, for which his father donated a handsome sum to the monastery. A firm, strict hand is needed to guide Gregor and it shall take many a punishment before he learns to bow his defiant head before God Almighty and the rule of His servants on Earth.

