Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

Johanka is a supporting character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. She was originally an inhabitant of Skalitz.


It's hinted that she harbored feelings for Matthias, interrupting a fight that he is involved with and insisting that she needs to see him when she heard of his broken arm. Their relationship is further explored in the A Woman's Lot DLC in which she concocts a scheme to make Matthias ask her to the dance by stealing his favourite dice which Theresa can take part in or not.

During the attack of Skalitz by King Sigismund of Hungary, she managed to escape and fled to Sasau, and can be found at the Sasau Monastery where she treats the refugees of Skalitz alongside Brother Elias and Brother Nicodemus in the Sasau Infirmary. She asks for Henry help treating her patients during the quest In God's Hands, and can also tell you what really happened between Fritz, Matthew and Elias in A Costly Brawl.

She cares very deeply for her patients, and is visibly stressed about the poor conditions she is forced to keep them in. The monks are so unnerved by the presence of a woman that they often refuse to speak to her - matters are further complicated when she almost slaps one of them in frustration, leading to the monks posting a guard outside the infirmary.

The Sasau custodian, Baron vom Berg, is infatuated with Johanka, and visits the infirmary frequently in an attempt to woo her. Johanka is initially annoyed by his advances, but asks Henry not to interfere, adamant it will only make it worse. Later, she admits there is something about the Custodian she likes, and reveals that she feels some level of resentment towards Henry for not being there, when the Custodian was. Nevertheless, she is grateful for Henry's help. Eventually, her living situation is improved and, with some prodding, she reveals to Henry that she slept with the Custodian due to her being overwhelmed by her situation and isolation from anyone else that cares, She comes to regret this later on, and blames her sinful acts to have caused Matthias' situation to get worse.

During Pestilence, Henry comes to Johanka to ask for her help in curing a plague that is ravaging the village of Merhojed. She is very concerned about Matthias, and advises Henry to speak to Brother Nicodemus.

The two men are able to determine (with varying degrees of success) what the cause of the pestilence is, and Johanka accompanies Brother Nicodemus to Merhojed to assist him in tending to the sick.

Inventory (before Skalitz attack)[]

Inventory (after Skalitz attack)[]


  • Johanka was retroactively given a unique character model and outfit in the update that released alongside the DLC A Women's Lot. Before this she would wear a simple dress and apron, and her clothes could even be stolen when she took them off to sleep. Her new clothes cannot be stolen and she no longer takes them off while sleeping, as they are actually apart of her model rather than in-game items. (Note that the images currently used on this page are outdated and new images are needed)


