In God's Hands is a side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. According to the Innkeeper of the Sasau Wagoners' Inn and the Innkeeper of Tavern on the Green, Johanka is having problems at the Monastery. She has been taking care of the wounded from the Skalitz raid, but there are too many for her to cope with, and the condition of the infirmary is far from suitable. She enlists Henry to help her.
This is a timed mission, as you must cure all the people before they succumb to their injuries - Hannes will die on the third or fourth day, with the others to follow. It's recommended that you complete A Man of the Cloth and find Father Simon before beginning this quest.
If possible, bring 10 bandages and ingredients for a Lullaby potion (they'll cost you around 50 from Nicodemus, as well as a comfrey flower and an Artemisia potion (or ingredients). You might also need your bow and arrow - for hunting, and 150
for bribes (or possibly a Bard potion) for the custodian.
I met Johanka at the monastery, and it looks like she's having trouble...
- Help with healing the sick in the monastery.
- Find something to help the Insomniac sleep
- Get healing herbs for Semek
- Find bandages for Hannes (0/10)
- Tell Nicodemus to tie up the wounded
- Help the man with the broken leg
- Set the broken bones in the man's leg
- Ask the executioner about the man with the broken leg.
- Set the broken bones in the man's leg
- Find out what happened to Philip
- Find father Simon
- Get Philip Artemesia potion
- Wait awhile to see if the cure takes effect
- Get Philip Artemesia potion
- Find father Simon
- (Optional) Bring some game meat to the infirmary (0/100)
- (Optional) Find out how to get better conditions for the sick.
- Try to get supplies from the Custodian
- Tell Johanka you can't do anymore
After the attack on Skalitz, many injured people were brought to the Monastery. But only Brother Nicodemus, Johanka, and Brother Elias can care for them. The situation looks bleak in cramped and squalid conditions, with barely any food or supplies.
The other monks won't even help - they're scholars, not healers. The injured people need to be attended to - and fed. Some game meat would go a long way to filling their bellies. Henry also needs to try and improve the conditions for the sick - they're lying on bloody rags and old straws. Hardly conducive to a speedy recovery. Johanka mentions that she's also been bothered by the Custodian, who is always strutting around trying to impress her - even inviting her to his home, despite having a wife.

The Custodian attempts to woo Johanka
First things first - you need to take care of the very sick. Go around to each person and determine what ails them. Most need peace to recover, but some need specialized care.
The Insomniac is being kept awake by the pain in his leg and the sounds of the other patients. He's mentally and physically drained, which isn't helping his recovery.
Semek, an injured quarry-man rather than a survivor from Skalitz, fell through the scaffolding roof. Although his injuries will heal in a few weeks, the supervisor has already told him that he only has a few days to return to work. If he's fired, Semek and his wife will be forced into poverty and have to live in the woods. He recalls an old hag once sped up his father's injury with a purple flower, but he can't remember what kind. Johanka is frustrated that Henry is attending to Semek when there are more urgent cases to deal with and snaps that he should look up the particular flower in Nicodemus's book in the next room.

Brother Elias and Johanka tend to the sick
Hannes was injured while fleeing the Cumans, and although the wound isn't too bad, his bandages are filthy. If they aren't changed soon, he risks infection.
Thomas' leg is damaged and unresponsive. Speak to Johanka to find his leg was severely broken, and they aren't sure if they set it right. If Henry has well-developed first aid skills, he can attend to the wound himself. Otherwise, suggest speaking to the Rattay executioner, experienced with broken bones. Well, with breaking bones, but he might know more than you. A dismissive Johanka points out he'd never be allowed inside the Monastery grounds, but you might as well go and speak to him. Philip seems to be in shock. He isn't physically injured but can't talk or stop shaking. Johanka tells you he hid under a pile of corpses for days and may have gotten sick from the rotting bodies. However, she doesn't know how to cure him, and the only person that might know is the former Skalitz priest, Father Simon, who is very knowledgeable about poisons. Unfortunately, he disappeared some time ago.
If you completed A Man of the Cloth, however, you know precisely where Simon is - preaching in Rovna.

Brother Nicodemus prepares medicine
Now that you have determined what must be done go into the next room and speak to Brother Nicodemus. Although he is trying his best, he admits his training never equipped him for this level of mayhem. In addition, his budget is tiny, as he only receives the same small stipend he got while caring for a few of the older monks. He does, however, mention that the Custodian might be able to approve some extra supplies. Nicodemus can only help a little with Semek's purple flower, but he can teach you to make a lullaby potion for the Insomniac. Trade with the monk and buy ten bandages, a Poppy, a Herb Paris, and a Thistle.
Get healing herbs for Semek.[]
Then, read the herb section of the book on the alchemy bench to determine Semek wants a comfrey flower - buy that from Nicodemus too. Make the potion and give it to the Insomniac.
Find bandages for Hannes.[]
Bind Hannes' wounds with the clean bandages (or get Brother Nicodemus if you're not skilled enough), and give Semek his comfrey flower.
Then, go to see the Custodian.
However, he's more interested in talking about Johanka and less interested in the people's suffering in the infirmary.
If you're skilled enough in speech, you might be able to convince him that helping will make Johanka more amenable to his advances - but more likely, you'll have to bribe him 150 .

Bargaining with the Custodian
Now, you must go to Rattay to speak to Executioner Hermann and Rovna to find Father Simon.
Get Philip Artemisia potion.[]
In Rovna, if Father Simon is there, ask his advice. If not, seek out the surviving villager and complete A Man of the Cloth. Describe Philip's condition to the priest, who will recommend Artemisia potion to purge him. Quickly make some if you have the ingredients, or buy it from the Apothecary in Rattay. Go to Rattay, and find Hermann. Tell him about Thomas' broken leg, and he will explain (in rather graphic detail) how someone will need to hold the injured man down while you reset the bone. Now, go back to Sasau. Give Philip the Artemisia.
Set the broken bone in the man's leg.[]
Set Thomas' bone (if you speak to him, he'll promise to help you out anytime you need) with help from Nicodemus. If you have the First Aid III perk, you don't need to consult Hermann. Henry will know how to set the bone. Once you have set Thomas' bone or gave the artemesia potion to Philip , the Custodian enters, inviting Johanka to a "private banquet." He is surprised to see Henry and tries to order him to leave so he can speak to the young nurse alone. If your speech skill is high enough, you can convince him to hold the banquet in the infirmary - surely Johanka would appreciate the gesture.

The Custodian throws Henry in jail.
However, please don't worry about sassing him because he'll throw you in jail until the following day. You'll need to wait two hours to confirm Philip's potion is working, so do a bit of quick hunting to supply the infirmary with meat or drop by the Butcher of Sasau. Check on Philip, who is on his way to recovery, and speak to Semek, who will tell you a secret to improve your Vitality. Then, go to Johanka and tell her you've done all you can.
- The speech check after the cutscene with the Custodian seems to be bugged for some players. Even with a speech skill much higher than the Custodian's, you can still fail and be imprisoned until the next morning.
- If Henry fails the second speech check and the custodian orders him arrested, the arrest will happen via a cutscene, and the player will never be able to resist. This may be the only forced arrest in the game.
- If you give Insomniac a lullaby potion, wait a day, and talk to him. He will wake up and ask for more. You can accept or deny his second request. This repeats a couple of times but not indefinitely; he will teach Henry Alchemy after being given the final potion.
- If you get the timing right, this quest can be finished in a single day:
- Make sure you have finished the side-quest A Man of the Cloth.
- Make sure you have the First Aid III perk
- Stay the night in the Sasau Inn and make your way to the monastary so you'll arrive around 7am. Speak to Johanka and ignore her rotten attitude. Speak to Nicodemus, before taking stock of the injured. Since you should always have bandages with you, you can help Hans right away, as well as setting Thomas' bone. The First Aid III perk gives Henry the neccessary skill.
- Talk to Johanka about Philip and Semek and then hotfoot it to Rovna to talk to Father Simon. Be sure to be well armed and armoured as you have to pass 3 fighing sites twice. I have yet to see a playthrough where I didn't have to send several bandits or Cumans to meet their maker.
- Once back, brew the Artemisia potion and the Lullaby potion for Philip and the insomniac. Make sure you've downed a Bard potion before administering them as Sebastian vom Berg will barge in.
- After all the wounded have been cared for, ride outside towards Samopesh. In the right-side woods, close to the usual fighting spot is a deer hunting spot where you can 'appropriate' some game meat to feed the injured.
- Go back, give the meat to Johanka and then go to haggle with Sebastian vom Berg about the supplies. Don't forget to top up on Bard potion.
- Talk to Johanka and Nicodemus again, as well as the now responsive wounded and you've done your bit. You should have enough time left for a game of farkle and a good dose of moonshine before the day is out.
Quest Rewards[]
Name | Amount | Type | Condition |
Skalitz refugees - Sasau | + 0.9 | ![]() |
Complete the objective "Help with healing the sick in the monastery." |
Sasau villagers | |||
Johanka | + 0.1 | ![]() |
Complete the objective "Get healing herbs for Semek." |
Skalitz refugees - Sasau | + 0.3 | ||
Johanka | + 0.1 | ![]() |
Wait for 2 hours after getting Philip Artemisia potion |
Skalitz refugees - Sasau | + 0.3 | ||
Johanka | + 0.1 | ![]() |
Complete the objective "Find bandages for Hannes." |
Skalitz refugees - Sasau | + 0.3 | ||
Skalitz refugees - Sasau | + 0.6 | ![]() |
Complete the objective "Help with treating the Skalitz locals in the monastery." |
Johanka | + 0.1 | ![]() |
Complete the objective "Set the broken bone in the man's leg." |
Skalitz refugees - Sasau | + 0.3 | ||
Skalitz refugees - Sasau | - 0.9 | ![]() |
Fail the objective "Help with treating the Skalitz locals in the monastery." |