The Kingdom of Hungary (Magyar Királyság, Regnum Hungariae) was a large kingdom in eastern central Europe, founded by Stephen I., who became the first king of Hungary in the year 1000/1001, about one century after the Magyars settled in the Pannonian basin.
In the 13th century, Hungary took a heavy blow during the Mongol invasion. Some tribes and peoples which were displaced by the Mongols sought and found asylum in Hungary, amongst them the Cumans.
Under Louis I. of Anjou (reigned 1342-1382), the country was part of a personal union with Poland. During the reign of Sigismund, the Ottomans first reached the Hungarian borders. Sigismund would later also become Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany, King of Italy and King of Bohemia.
In the mid to late 15th century Hungary reached its largest territorial expansion under Matthias Corvinus, but only a few decades later the death of King Louis II. in the battle of Mohács against the Ottomans in 1526 led to the partition of Hungary between the Habsburgs and the Ottomans. One-third remained in the hands of the Hungarian Kingdom, which persevered against both the Ottomans and the Habsburgs, successfully defended itself and whole Europe from the Ottoman conquest for 150 years. The country was torn into three parts for a century and half. This was the age of the heroic border-castle fights against the multiple double superiority, the most glorious era of Hungary. For example, the first siege of castle of Eger in 1552, where 2000 defenders, border-soldiers and women defended the castle against the 40000-men Ottoman army.
The Kingdom of Hungary during the middle ages up until the end of World War 1 was significantly larger than contemporary Hungary. It included all of modern day Hungary as well as Slovakia, Croatia (in personal union), parts of Austria, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia and Slovenia. The whole Carpathian Basin.