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Horsemanship is a non-combat skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The higher skill a player has in Horsemanship, the easier it is to control the horse. The horse will also have better stats.

You can read the book series Basic horse-riding skills to level up this skill.

New perk points unlock at levels: 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20.

Horsemanship Perks[]

Icon Name Min. Level (Horsemanship) Effect
Kcd heavy duty pony perk icon Heavy Pony Duty 4 Your horse can carry more, but is slower. Can't be combined with the Racehorse perk.
Kcd racehorse perk icon Racehorse 4 Your horse is faster, but can carries less weight. Can't be combined with the Heavy Duty Pony perk.
Kcd dread steed perk icon Dread Steed 7 If your horse is wounded, it will run faster.
Kcd rider on the storm perk icon Rider on the Storm 7 Your horse will be extremely skittish in storms, but will shy less in any other weather.
Kcd strong thighs perk icon Strong Thighs 7 Increases your chances of staying in the saddle if an opponent tries to unhorse you.
Kcd knight perk icon Knight 10 You get a 15% damage bonus in mounted combat with both range and melee weapons.
Kcd warhorse perk icon Warhorse 10 Your horse won't shy at nearby foes, at least as long as no one hits him.
Kcd jockey perk icon Jockey 14 A horse will never throw you outside of combat.



  • Horsemanship is leveled up according to total distance traveled on horseback, not amount of time spent on the horse.
  • While combat mechanics in KCD are entirely designed around fighting on foot, mounted combat can be overpowered for players seeking more "knightly" forms of engagement:
    • If the player has a clear path for moving, like a road or an open field, players can constantly harrass enemies by striking them at a canter, then galloping away while the enemy gives chase, then circling back around and repeating the process.
    • In mounted combat, never stop moving as enemies can unsaddle you, leaving you very vulnerable.
    • If unsaddled, try your best to reach and re-mount your horse.
    • Therefore, mounted combat is a solid alternative for players who hate being outnumbered by high-level bandits and Cumans.
    • Dogs also cannot stun players that are on horses, although it is unkown whether or not they can still damage your horse.
    • Longswords and polearms are by far the best weapon classes for mounted combat due to their extended reach.
    • Horseback archery, however, is very hard (just like in real life). Players will need to practice either with scarecrows, or by saving the game and then practicing on guards and villagers.
    • After an engagement on horseback, players should always check their horse's tack because saddles can be very damaged.
    • Strong Thighs and Knight are the best perks for mounted combat
    • A horse with high courage is also recommended