Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

The Executioner's sword is a weapon used in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It is held in Henry's main hand and classified as a longsword.


An executioner's sword, made to cut the heads off of convicted criminals.

How to Obtain[]


  • An important note to consider when obtaining the sword: You can dull the sword, and then, after putting it back, and the notification for succeeding in returning the sword appears, you may retake the sword, without affecting the plot of the quest.
  • This blade sports the highest Slash damage of all, but balanced by a terrible Stab damage value, which is to be expected given the blade has a rounded rectangular shape.
    • Despite this, Herod's sword might be a prefereble alternative, as it has a mere difference of 4 points of slash damage, but with vastly better stab damage and Charisma bonus.


Executioners Sword Floating in Air

Executioner's sword floating on the air
