Known inhabitants of Bohemia.
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- Adam
- Adela
- Agnes
- Alemaid of Ledetchko
- Alemaid of Sasau
- Alemaid of Talmberg
- Alemaid of the Glade
- Alemaid of Uzhitz
- Alemaid of Wagoners' Inn
- Alex
- Andrew
- Anselm of Domky
- Anthony
- Antonia
- Archbishop Zbignev
- Archery master of Merhojed
- Archery master of Rattay
- Archery master of Skalitz
- Archery master of Uzhitz
- Archie
- Arena Master of Pribyslavitz
- Armoursmith of Rattay
- Artisan of Sasau
- Bailiff Hashek
- Bailiff of Ledetchko
- Bailiff of Rattay
- Bailiff of Samopesh
- Bailiff of Skalitz
- Bailiff of Uzhitz
- Baker of Ledetchko
- Baker of Sasau
- Bandit Prisoner
- Bathhouse Proprietor of Rattay
- Bathhouse Proprietor of Sasau
- Bathhouse Proprietor of Talmberg
- Bedrishka
- Beran
- Beran's wife
- Bernard
- Berthold
- Betwixt
- Bianca
- Black Peter
- Blacksmith of Ledetchko
- Blacksmith of Pribyslavitz
- Blacksmith of Rattay
- Blacksmith of Samopesh
- Blacksmith of Skalitz
- Blacksmith's Betty
- Borya
- Bozhena
- Brada
- Bran
- Brisket
- Brisket's wife
- Brother Cellarius
- Brother Elias
- Brother Librarian
- Brother Nevlas
- Brother Nicodemus
- Brother Porter
- Butcher of Ledetchko
- Butcher of Rattay
- Butcher of Sasau
- Butcher of Sasau (Market)
- Butcher of Sasau Monastery
- Butcher of Skalitz
- Catchpole of Skalitz
- Cellar guard of Rattay
- Chamberlain
- Charcoal-burner Havel
- Charcoal-burner of Talmberg
- Charcoal-burner Spokesman of Talmberg
- Charcoal-burner twins
- Charcoal-Burner's Helper
- Charlatan
- Charles IV
- Circator John
- Circator Stibor
- Cobbler of Rattay
- Cobbler of Rattay's Wife
- Cobbler of Sasau