The Blacksmith of Pribyslavitz is a minor character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, appearing in the From the Ashes DLC. He was the first Blacksmith of the new Pribyslavitz, living with his wife Lida and shop guard.
The Blacksmith moved to Pribyslavitz with Lida when Henry and the refugees finished building the town's Forge.
Once Henry decided to upgrade the Forge into either a Weaponsmith or Armoursmith, and chooses a skilled worker, the Blacksmith and his wife are replaced by whichever skilled specialist Henry chose.
Before Upgrade[]
- Axe
- Bludgeon
- Butcher's blade
- Carpenter's axe
- Charcoal
- Common bascinet
- Common shield x2
- Cooper's axe
- Dagger
- Hunting arrow x30
- Kettle hat decorated
- Leather chanfron (blue, green, plain, red)
- Long-distance arrow x40
- Noble horseshoes x2
- Ordinary arrow x10
- Piercing arrow x40
- Plate couters
- Seax
- Sharp as a Knife II
- Simple plate chanfron
- Skullcap
- Small armourer's kit x5
- Small blacksmith's kit x4
- Spade x2
- Spiked club
- Travel horseshoes x4
- Two-piece kettle hat
- Woodcutter's axe x3
- Wounding arrow x30
Armoursmith Upgrade[]
- Aachen brigandine chausses x3
- Aachen gambeson
- Aketon dyed
- Armourer's kit x15
- Assassin
- Augsburg gauntlets x2
- Augsburg plate pauldrons
- Bascinet with bretache
- Boarback shield
- Bouche shield x3
- Brigandine dyed pauldrons
- Brigandine pauldrons
- Bright Milanese brigandine
- Chainmail
- Common gambeson
- Common plate chausses
- Cuirass
- Decorated arming doublet
- Decorated Bavarian hauberk
- Decorated German bascinet
- Decorated mail coif
- Dyed Bavarian gambeson
- Elongated mail coif
- German bascinet
- Grand bascinet
- Heavy hauberk
- Heavy quartered gambeson
- Kettle hat x2
- Kuttenberg split gambeson x2
- Leather chanfron (blue, green, plain, red)
- Leather gloves
- Leather jerkin
- Light brigandine
- Light gambeson
- Magdeburg gauntlets x2
- Magdeburg plate pauldrons
- Mail chausses
- Mail collar
- Meissen plate pauldrons
- Milanese brigandine
- Nobleman's gauntlets x2
- Noble's mail collar
- Nuremberg gauntlets x2
- Old plate chausses
- Polish composite chausses
- Polish cuirass
- Quilted dyed jacket
- Quilted vest
- Reinforced mail collar
- Riveted chausses
- Riveted decorated chausses x2
- Riveted gilded chausses
- Riveted gloves x2
- Riveted pauldrons
- Riveted vambraces
- Saving Grace
- Saxon composite chausses
- Saxon dyed gambeson x2
- Saxon gambeson
- Scaly skullcap
- Shield decorated
- Shield with Talmberg crest x5
- Short brigandine chausses x3
- Short Kuttenberg gambeson
- Short light brigandine x2
- Short noble hauberk
- Silesian gambeson
- Simple plate chanfron
- Small armourer's kit x30
- Thumper