Bandits are outlaws and criminals, commonly found in gangs such as "professional" Runt's gang, part-time thug gangs such as Neuhof gang or operating as independet individuals or groups. They operate outside the law, usually robbing villagers and wanderers but will occasionally resort to murder or other ways in order to earn their share.
Sometimes gangs or gropus of bandits can be seen fighting with each other, albiet its rather rare occurance, even rarer is event where group of well-armored bandits is in combat with unit of Cumans.
Bandits appear in three variants, with first one being poorly armored, armed and equipped bandits, usualy appearing at lower levels, however after some time they will be more and more phased out by second variant, well armed and armored bandits. Last variant are Peasant Bandits, appearing for entire game.
Usualy bandits of all types can be encountered in Random Encounteres, while Low-Level and High-Level bandits can be also encountered in Camps and quests.
Peasant Bandits[]
Those bandits almost always wear cheapest clothing, often in poor condition, making they look almost the same as common villagers, usualy their outfit consists of variants of shirt, straw hat or other cheap headwear or no headwear at all. They never appear wearing armor. Their weaponary changes depending on the level, most common being Bludgeon, common Axe, Woodcutter's axe, Cooper's axe, Carpenter's axe, Torches or no weapons at all, fighting with bare hands. Very rarely they can also wield polearm in form of a Reforged scythe. This type of bandits have no skills in their weapons, only using basic attacks, and rarely blocking any incoming attacks. Those bandits also never use Shields and very rarely one in larger group may wield low-end Bow. They appear mostly in northern part of a map in groups of two all they way up to eight bandits. This type of bandits only appears in groups of Peasant Bandits, never mixed with other types.
Lower level Bandits[]
Those bandits appear from the very first minutes of the proper game, with very first ones encountered around destroyed Skalitz. They almost always wear cheap clothing worn in combination with low-end armor, such as cheaper gambersons, coifs and helmets, rarely they may wear chainmail hood. Their weaponary changes depending on the level, most common being common Axes, Rusty blade, Shard or Spiked Club, very rarely they can also wield low-end polearms and spears. This type of bandits have some skill in using their weapons, using more advanced attacks, dodging and blocking attacks frequently. This variant uses Bows or Shields rarely, and its aleardy rare occurance to find one bandit in a group wielding it. Usualy they appear as single bandit, three or four bandits, or rarely groups of up to eight bandits. They can be sometimes encountered mixed with Higer level bandits.
Higher level bandits[]
Those bandits are rarer at the beggining of the game, but become much more common later, especialy after destruction of Runt's gang. Those brigands wear heavier armor, usualy dark in color from medium or high tier, are armed with large variety of weapons, from Shards and Spiked Clubs all the way to Spears, Merchant's swords, Metal-plated battle axes and other high-level gear often combined with Shields. This type of bandits is quiet skilled in fencing, often using advanced attacks, grabbing Henry and blocking or dodging most of incoming attacks. In later stages of the game this type can wear full plate armor and use knight-like weapons, mostly Long swords. Often at least half of group memebrs are armed with bows of any tier, and will switch to melee once enemy is to close. They very rarely appear in groups smaller than three members, and often being larger, up to six or more members. They can be sometimes encountered mixed with Lower level bandits.
- If you surrender to high-level bandits before the fighting starts, a speech check may save your life. Select the option: 'You're not really going to take everything I have, are you?' and the bandits should allow Henry to pass.
- Low-level and High-level bandits share voicelines with each other, while peaseant-bandits use quotes of angry villagers.
- Bandits encountered in, and around, destroyed Skalitz in fact may be members of Runt's gang, making them only Low-Level bandits being part of his group.