Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

Ancient map I is a treasure map in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Map Location[]

Henry's storage trunk with Treasures of the Past installed.

Treasure Location[]

Southeast from Neuhof, right in the middle of forest, almost directly to right side of nearest charcoal burner's camp

To find this site, ride South from Neuhof down along the small river to the Southeast until you reach the Charcoal Kiln Camp that you can inquire about Ginger's whereabouts in the main questline.

Look for a small path at the back of the campsite leading up into the woods, and follow it up to a ruined campground with a burned down house and a chest - this is not the actual treasure site, but you are getting close.

From the ruined site, keep heading due East into the woods - you should come across a body hanging from the tree that marks you on the right path.

Keep heading East from the body until you come upon a mound of earth. Using a spade (bought from traders or taken from the Rattay Mill), dig up the grave to find a skeleton with a very large skull - and the treasure.

