Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

Alcoholic is a debuff and an achievement in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

You can become alcoholic if you consume too much alcohol, earning yourself a disease and an achievement at the same time.


You're an alcoholic and look and behave like one. Your Strength, Agility, Vitality, Speech and Charisma are reduced by -3. The only cure is lengthy abstinence or Hair o' the Dog potion.

How to Get[]


You need to drink huge quantities of alcohol to get this debuff, the best strategy seems to be:

  1. Gather a lot of drinks, around 30 should do.
  2. Get your nourishment down to 0,
  3. Drink all you can until your nourisment reaches the max (120),
  4. Wait 24 hours, and repeat immediately until the debuff appears.

Lethean Water, due to its extremely high alcohol, can immediately cause alcoholism.

How to Cure[]


How to Obtain[]

Simply get the debuff alcoholic and you will get the achievement at the same time.


  • While Henry has the alcoholic debuff, the game will often lag almost to a stand still when looking inside of containers, including Henry's personal trunk. The lag can become so bad that the game does not properly compute inputs from the controls and makes selecting individual items from that container almost impossible. Simply curing alcoholism will fix this bug. (Confirmed on Xbox One - KCD Version 1.9.1)