Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
Red Hand Coat of Arms
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Heed our warning!

Kingdom Come: Deliverance achievements are listed here. There is a total of 83 achievements (84 trophies for PlayStation) in the game: 49 (50) for the base game and 33 for DLCs.

Main Game[]

Main Game
Icon Hidden Name Requirement Trophy Gamerscore
Achievement platinium trophy no Platinum Trophy Collect all the other base game trophies. 4 -
Achievement alcoholic no Alcoholic Become addicted to alcohol. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement anorectic no Anorectic Starve for three days. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement bard no Bard Level up Speech to maximum. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement bookworm no Bookworm Read twenty books. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement completionist no Completionist Complete all quests. 3 75Gamerscore
Achievement convict no Convict Spend three days in prison. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement david horak no David Horak Collect 10,000 herbs. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement edward kelly no Edward Kelly Brew fifteen types of potion. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement fatso no Fatso Be stuffed to bursting for two days. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement fighter no Fighter Carry out 100 combos in combat. 2 50Gamerscore
Achievement gambler no Gambler Win 1,000 Prague Groschen in the dice minigame. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement haggler no Haggler Save 2000 Prague Groschen by haggling. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement hunter no Hunter Bag fifty game animals. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement insomniac no Insomniac Don't sleep for two days and nights. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement king charming no King Charming Be popular in every town and village. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement knightrider no Knightrider Win the Talmberg Horse Race. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement level cap no Level Cap Reach maximum level. 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement pilgrim no Pilgrim Find all wayside shrines and conciliatory crosses. 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement ranger no Ranger Walk more than 50 km. 2 15Gamerscore
Achievement scrooge no Scrooge Hoard 5,000 Prague Groschen. 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement serial killer no Serial Killer Kill 200 people. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement sniper no Sniper Kill 50 enemies with headshots. 2 50Gamerscore
Achievement stealth killer no Stealth Killer Kill twenty enemies by stealth. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement thief no Thief Steal things with a total value of 30,000 Prague Groschen. 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement traveller no Traveller Discover all locations on the map. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement awakening yes Awakening Join Sir Radzig's garrison. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement bad trip yes Bad Trip Dance with the Devil. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement bastard yes Bastard Find out who your real father is. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement blacksmiths son yes Blacksmith's Son Complete the first quest. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement buddy yes Buddy Save Lord Capon from the Cumans. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement casanova yes Casanova Court Lady Stephanie. 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement cavalier yes Cavalier Save Theresa from the Cumans. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement conqueror yes Conqueror Conquer the enemy camp in Vranik. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement firestarter yes Firestarter Get jailed in Skalitz. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement freud yes Freud Find out about Erik's past. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement ginger yes Ginger Save Ginger from the bandits. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement judas yes Judas Betray your friends in the Gallows Brothers quest. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement master huntsman yes Master Huntsman Become the Talmberg Huntsman. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement mclovin yes McLovin Court Theresa. 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement merciful yes Merciful Don't kill anyone during main quest line (except Runt). 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement monk yes Monk Become a monk. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement plague doctor yes Plague Doctor Heal all the sick in Merhojed. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement robber baron yes Robber Baron Complete Robber Baron quest. 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement runt yes Runt Kill Runt. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement sinner yes Sinner Get drunk with Father Godwin. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement spoilsport yes Spoilsport Sabotage all three executions. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement talmberger yes Talmberger Complete all Optional Objectives in Siege quest. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement the end yes The End Complete the main story line. 3 75Gamerscore
Achievement virgin yes Virgin Stay celibate and complete the entire game as a virgin. 1 15Gamerscore

Hardcore Mode[]

Hardcore Mode
Icon Hidden Name Requirement Trophy G Points
Achievement hardcore henry No Hardcore Henry Finish the game in Hardcore Mode. 1 50Gamerscore
Achievement tis but a scratch No 'Tis but a scratch Finish the game in Hardcore Mode with all negative perks. 1 100Gamerscore
Achievement kingdom did not come Yes Kingdom did not come Die for the first time in Hardcore Mode. 1 10Gamerscore

From the Ashes[]

From the Ashes
Icon Hidden Name Requirement Trophy G Points
Achievement bailiff no Bailiff Ensure the renewal of Pribyslavitz. 2 25Gamerscore
Achievement perfectionist no Perfectionist Make 2,000 Groschen a day from Pribyslavitz 3 100Gamerscore
Achievement friends without benefits yes Friends without benefits Invite Fritz and Matthew to Pribyslavitz 2 15Gamerscore
Achievement trial-and-error yes Trial-and-error Renew the whole of Pribyslavitz without being able to read 2 50Gamerscore

The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon[]

The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon
Icon Hidden Name Requirement Trophy G Points
Achievement christian burial yes Christian Burial Ensure eternal salvation for the wretched charcoal-burner, Lev. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement i can quit anytime yes I can quit anytime Dice are most important, the rest will work itself out somehow. 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement ledetchko revenant yes Ledetchko Revenant Think up even more ways to haunt the Ledetchko villagers than the charlatan told you. 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement lord capons ghost yes Lord Capon's Ghost Get back Capon's necklace without permission from anyone. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement not-so-christian burial yes Not-so-Christian Burial Grant peaceful rest to the soul of the wretched charcoal-burner, Lev 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement true friend yes True friend Capon will succeed, even though you sent him off with a nasty rash. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement wingman yes Wingman Everything has to go according to Sir Hans' plan 2 15Gamerscore


Icon Hidden Name Requirement Trophy G Points
Achievement arena master no Arena Master Get a complete set of armour from the Rattay tourney. 2 30Gamerscore

Band of Bastards[]

Band of Bastards
Icon Hidden Name Requirement Trophy G Points
Achievement chivalrous soul yes Chivalrous Soul Persuade Kuno to attack the mill right away. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement game over yes Game over The Ring of Bacchus made its way back to its original owner. 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement lost trinket yes Lost trinket You're not the only one playing the Ring of Bacchus game, so watch out for the others! 2 30Gamerscore
Achievement mercenarys honour yes Mercenary's Honour Arouse the mercenary's sense of honour. 3 100Gamerscore
Achievement pinky promise yes Pinky promise Keep your word at any cost. 1 30Gamerscore
Achievement torturer yes Torturer Leave Jakey to consider the error of his ways. 1 30Gamerscore
Achievement tracker yes Tracker Track down the raiders who attacked the farm. 1 10Gamerscore

A Woman's Lot[]

A Woman's Lot
Icon Hidden Name Requirement Trophy G Points
Achievement angel of mercy yes Angel of Mercy Help save Johanka from the most grievous charge of heresy! 2 100Gamerscore
Achievement bad girl yes Bad Girl Shirk your morning chores! 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement cleric's pet yes Cleric's Pet Report to the Inquisitor all the wrongdoing going on in the province. 1 30Gamerscore
Achievement death by splinter yes Death by Splinter Cause Henry a mortal wound! 1 10Gamerscore
Achievement full house sinner no Full House Sinner Have on your conscience every sin Johanka can think of. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement infernal justice no Infernal justice The punishment fits the crime. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement like a ghost no Like a ghost Recover Pavel's treasure without being discovered. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement Saviour yes Saviour Rescue all the survivors. 1 30Gamerscore
Achievement voyeur no Voyeur See what Henslin has in his braies without being observed. 1 15Gamerscore
Achievement a woman's lot no Woman's Lot Complete Theresa's story. 2 100Gamerscore
Achievement you had one job! yes You had one job! Drink yourself into oblivion with Ambrose! 1 15Gamerscore

